Tag: Higher Education

How the university predictive model works

Animated Overview You can watch a quick two minute overview of the predictive model here: http://youtu.be/eWWQ0exP9-0  Conventional Budgeting A university is really an array of interacting organisations that not only provide services to staff and / or students but also receive services from other areas of the university. Let’s say, for example, a faculty requests an […]


Of course MOOCs are cheaper than traditional classrooms… aren’t they?

I’ve been reading a lot of articles about MOOCs and online courses versus good old fashioned classroom based learning. In a recent article this week in the Australian Financial Review, Brad Wheeler, CIO of the 110,000-student Indiana University was discussing the four models of online delivery: the “flipped classroom” where course content is available online but […]


What’s the benefit of defining a model’s scope before beginning a model build?

Defining a model’s scope before beginning to build it may be the difference between developing a useable, defendable and pertinent model that can answer multiple operational and management questions, and that of a model that may struggle to be relevant and robust 12 months down the track. What does a scoping study involve? A scoping […]