The State of Higher Education in 2017

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Experience-based approaches for seizing opportunities and addressing challenges

Grant Thornton’s sixth annual State of Higher Education report covers current higher education topics: the use of data analytics; ways in which to redefine business models; recommendations for pragmatic enterprise risk management; planning for changes in federal regulations in endowments and accessibility; the transformation of the campus physical space; and planning for deferred maintenance funding. The report is based on the hands-on work of Grant Thornton’s dedicated higher education professionals and provides higher education board members, executives and management with insights that support innovative thinking and informed decision-making.

Of particular interest is Implementing Cost/Revenue Modeling for Meaningful Decision-Making. The article introduces a way to gain a better understanding of business operations — the interlacing relationships among costs, revenues, activities, courses, programs, etc. The institutions most likely to succeed in this respect will effectively assess how their use and allocation of resources – such as facilities, class size and academic workloads – contribute to financial sustainability. All of this can be implemented in Pilbara Group’s modelling software and we are working closely with Grant Thornton in the United States.

Learn more about how you can position your institution to meet your mission, now and into the future. Read Grant Thornton’s The State of Higher Education in 2017.